Monday, June 22, 2009

Adoption class

Cameron and I attended the first of 4 foster/adopt classes on Saturday. There was a lot of really great information, all though Cameron and I were often quite bored... They spent a ton of time talking about the foster system and fostering. The thing is, when you are a concurrent foster parent (which means approved for adoption) you can choose to either be a normal foster parent while waiting for the children you'll adopt, or you can just wait until they have the children you are likely to be able to adopt. We have chosen the latter. So a good amount of the info did not apply to us. Plus, there were a lot of hypothetical questions that led us onto tangents....oiy. There was good info too though. For those who don't know, one of the downsides of adopting through the county is that these children have not been given up voluntarily. Therefore there is a chance that they will be reunited with their biological parents. By waiting and not fostering early, we lower the chance significantly that these kids will be sent back home. We won't be called until the social worker is pretty confident that we'll be able to adopt. Ok I don't know how to say this without sounding callous, but we were really excited to learn that they have a book of sibilings waiting for adoptive homes. Obviously, I feel horrid for all those poor kids, especially the ones who will eventually be separated because no one will take siblings. But Cam and I want siblings, so not only do we get to know we kept family together, but we'll get called a hec of a lot faster! I didn't realize so many people were not open to siblings. I know it's a lot, but I love the idea of being able to tell my babies that they had the same birth lady. Hopefully it will help them to continue to feel connected as a family and not feel like they have no attachment to their biological roots. After watching a video and hearing more about the foster process, I will say this. I am more determined than ever to have a closed adoption, and to keep our age limit to two. I have a friend who has had a rough time with her open adoption. It takes away from our motherhood, and I just can't do it. When I adopt my babies, I will be there mother for time and all eternity. One of the workers there told us something her adopted daughter said and I loved it! She said, some babies grow in tummies and some babies grow in hearts. Isn't that awesome?

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