Okay, so Mother's Day is next Sunday, however I am not the happiest of people on Mother's Day. I love and appreciate my mother and mother-in-law, as well as all of my family and friends who are mothers. However, on Mother's Day I tend to get sucked into a downward spiral of self-pity. Don't lecture me please, I know I should focus on others but, oh well. I can't help it, its a dark day for me. Its even worse because my birthday is always either on Mother's Day or right before or after it. There is nothing like celebrating one more year without children on the day you should be honored for having them. Don't worry the rest of this post is very happy and uplifting, I just had to preface it with this dismal explanation.
So, in the spirit of Mother's Day, I have decided to write a blog post for the mothers I know while I'm still in the mood. :) So this is to tell my mother how much I love and appreciate her, as well as the other mothers in my life. :)
Mothers should be recognized all year long, however especially on Mother's Day. There is a reason for this day!!! I know not all mothers are as they should be, but there are plenty who are worthy of the honor of this day.
There is a song I like to sing to my mom on Mother's Day. The words are:
Mother, I love you
Mother, I do
Father in heaven has sent me to you
When I am near you
I love to hear you
Singing so softly that you love me too
Mother, I love you
I love you, I do
My mother has dealt with a lot of ups and downs in her life, but she has always tried her hardest to be the best mother possible. Unfortunately, there are people out there who forget all she does for others, who forget the capacity of love she has to share, who forget that nobody is perfect and our flaws are what make us unique. My mother would lay down her life for any one of her children. She will willingly give up anything she has, anything she could borrow, and anything she could steal, for her children or grandchildren.
One of the best things about my mom, is her ability to accept people. Don't get me wrong, if you hurt one of her kids you had better sleep with a gun under your pillow. Cause, she'll send one of my brothers after you! However, she is "mom" to all who come around. There is no difference to her whether your an in-law, a step-child, a friend's kid, etc, your family.
My mom is an inspiration too. She graduated from college, though it took her 30 years. Then she went on to get her masters and is currently working on her second!! She supports the choices of her children, and like all mothers, offers advice when she feels its needed. Though we may not want to hear it, she is just trying to share the lessons learned in her life.
There are no words to describe the love that I have for my mother. I am so grateful that we will be a family for eternity.
Another incredible mother in my life is Cam's mom. My mother-in-law is also a wonderful mother. Her children and grandchildren put a special smile on her face. She is also a great mother-in-law. I have to say, one of the most fun times I have EVER had was a girls trip we had in Seattle. Cam's sisters, his mother, and sister-in-law all headed to Seattle for a weekend, and boy...we laughed a lot! My mother-in-law would do absolutely anything for her kids or grand kids. My favorite things about her is watching the way her whole world lights up when she is around her family. The efforts she puts into family gatherings, even with extended family, reveal how much she loves us all.
She has made great efforts to be supportive of my career, even flying out to IL just see me in a college show! Cam's mom and Dad also came out to CA to see Cam play the trumpet.
My mother-in-law inspires me with her excitement and dedication to genealogy, it has rubbed off on me. :) She has served as a musical missionary, and I always see her working on some project or another for people in need. She has taught me many of the skills I can't wait to teach my daughters, like cross stitching, crocheting, and HEC!!! :) I only wish we lived closer so she could teach me how to play the piano better...
I am very lucky to have such wonderful examples of mothers in my life. They make me believe I will be a good mother too, because I have had the privilege of learning from these amazing women.
Happy Mother's Day to my mothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, other family, and friends. You are all so special to me. Have a wonderful day on Sunday, but if your not my mother or mother-in-law...I'll talk to you another day. :) This day is truly important, it recognizes the greatest accomplishment of you life, guiding God's children through their time on this earth. Setting an example for all other mothers-to-be, and those who maybe shouldn't be mother at all.
I started small, looking up to you
I walked in your shoes, then fell and scraped my knee
I was comforted in your loving arms
This was how I knew you were my mother
I grew taller, yet I still looked up to you
I learned about hurt and anger and pain
I learned you were there when I needed you
This was how I knew you were my mother
I became taller still, and looked you in the eye
I watched you to learn how to become a woman
I confided in you and you loved me still
This was how I knew you were my mother
I'm all grown up now, and your eyes look up to me
I think of all we have taught each other
I realize that no matter what, I still look up to you
This is how I know your my mother