Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Life or something like it...

Lucky Cam now has the option to never have homework again. lol. I on the other hand just finished one more class on my road. The good news is, starting tomorrow I start my 7th to last class. Because I can only afford to go part time, it will take me 4 1/2 semesters. But that is about 1 1/4 years. On the bright side, I've never been so close to graduating!!!!

We took a drive on Sunday and looked around for some rentals in the area. There isn't much here. The worst part is that houses require HUGE deposits, so we may end up in another apartment. Blah! There are only two places I would be happy to live in an apt, if you know me well, you'll know where they are. lol. But we'll just have to see.

So, in the spirit of moving, Cam and I have started going through all of our stuff. Thats an interesting road, its amazing how much stuff you think you'll use some day. And while it may be true, you'll almost never remember you have it to use if its packed in a box. So, we figure if we really need it in the future, we'll get another one. :)

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