Friday, September 11, 2009

So on Saturday night, we went to see the A's play (& beat!) the Mariners with our good friends, Victory & Dan.

We had these awesome seats that belong to Dan's firm.

(Can you see the ball in this one? It's that little streak of white. Awesome!)

You may notice that these pics have an awful lot of pink for a sporting event. It was Breast Cancer Awareness night, so they had pink jerseys & pashminas. Also, 500 breast cancer survivors made a big pink ribbon on the field for the pre-game show. Awesome!

Okay, I just think that their mascot is cute!

The girls screamed, cheered, yelled our heads off,

while the boys were geeking it out with the scorecards.

They were a bit more mellow during the interesting plays. Boys are so weird.

Here's the wind-up... and the pitch!

We got to see Ken Griffey Jr. play! (you can see the ball in this one, too)

Okay, even though we were thrilled that we got him out at first, it was so fun to see practically a living legend in action.

Mmm...we love baseball.

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