I've got to admit, after I made the appointment Friday, I was pretty down about it. It's not that I'm not looking forward to progress...it's just that this process is so emotionally shattering. I can already feel the pain, and it hasn't even started yet. This may seem like a depressing entry to my blog, but really its just me trying to find a cathartic outlet.
Something to lift the spirits is that today is the first official games of the MLB season! Yay! Go Cubs! It just so happens that the Cubs are playing the Nationals in DC on May 10, 11, & 12! What a great birthday present!! We are totally going to the games. Fun right??
Honestly, it seems like there isn't much else going on in our lives, so the blog has been pretty empty as of late. I've been working to build my online training program, but as with everything else I attempt...its not going anywhere. Hopefully, that will change soon. I've been putting my sister through the program as my guinea pig and she is doing AMAZING! I'm crazy proud of her and its been really fun.
Now that the boring stuff has been reported...maybe the next post will be full of fun and exciting news! Lol. Who knows? We'll keep updating the fertility stuff too.