I have had a lot to write about, but I just haven't felt like it. We had our first interview (homestudy process) a couple of weeks ago. It took 3 hours, we answered questions about our relationship, our relationship with our families, our intimate relationship, our goals, habits, etc, etc. We found out that after that, she has to do an interview with just me, then one with Cam, then she writes a huge report. She sends it to the county, then they come out and inspect the home for our foster license. My interview took over 4 hours! Oiy! I haven't talked about myself so much...ever! Cam's interview is this Friday.
After the first interview I was really frustrated. We didn't realize we had so much left in the process. Then the social worker seemed to be pushing hard for birth visits (visits with birth family...after adoption!), and trying to convince us to up our age limit. I was so frustrated I wanted to quit. So, I had Cam give me a blessing. The Lord told us to be strong and patient. He said we were on the right path, and to stick with our original specifications, one or two kids under 2 years old. HE also said we needed to be extremely careful, to fast and pray about each child presented to us. He said there were children who would bring disharmony and discord into our home. Cam and I both felt that we would have to...for lack of a better term...turn down, the first few kids they present to us. So the most important thing is to fast and pray and not be so anxious to be parents that we just at the first ones they tell us about.
We are trying very hard to prepare ourselves for it.
Cam's parents came to visit the weekend before last. They came to see Cam's orchestra concert, and as luck would have it, my group performed too. We had a lot of fun! The concerts went great. Plus Cam's dad served his mission in this area so it was really fun for him to visit the area. We took them to Fisherman's Warf, Cam's campus, and they got to see our new home. It was great!